

It is now more than a year that Jean Herve's products are in my life, with success.
Since 2004, I'm a High Performance Athlete in sporting discipline called "ultra": 100km and 24 hours when feeding is essential during these long distance  events.  When I started to train every day, I felt very tired due to anemia (iron deficiency).  I took a long time to "recover" and I had to change my diet so that it gives me everything my body needs, vitamins, minerals in order to progress.  Naturally, I turned to organic food, which assures a general welfare. So since I discovered the products' Jean Herve, my sport scores continue to rise: Vice World Champion in the 24h in 2007 and  in Canada with 231km137 and Champion of France of 100km in 2008 with a time of 7:51 ' 32''.
These products are particularly suited to endurance sports because they are highly digestible and easy to eat.
Whithin 100km, I refueled every 5 miles, a lot of liquid to avoid dehydration but also solid products to stimulate satiety and taste : I drink in sips the Milkervé, very refreshing drink with almonds and especially easy for my coach to prepare. By its small 50g packaging, the almond paste is ideal when you get a bit peckish and avoid hypoglycemia (low blood sugar which causes slowdown).  Almond is the ally of the athlete  by its richness in potassium (eliminates the waste accumulated by the force in the muscles), magnesium (regulates the transmission of nerve impulses through the body, muscles ...)
For the 24 hours, food is more varied because we must eat more often.  The objective is to make the most miles as possible during 24 hours, to avoid too many stops and to try not to sleep.  So, we need a highly digestible food, easily digestible, energetic and especially that the  energy applied by the muscles is not "diverted" by a digestion too heavy, bad for performance. So we have to eat often but in small doses.  I use a lot purees Jean Herve to compliment my dishes (whole almond butter ), quinoa ((sesame butter), rice (hazelnut butter) or other cereals. So, I add more flavors in my cooking  which is very important because with stress, fatigue, aversion to food is possible, we do not know what to eat that's why it's important to diversify food and with Jean Hervé products we have the choice. For the sweet side, I make small cake made ​​with  agave syrup and the wonderful spreads: Karouba, Kokolo, the Chocolade .... Thanks to the fructose in agave syrup, the energy is released gradually as the body needs it  which avoids munchies, fear of all athletes  ... But if I need sugar quickly assimilable by the blood (due to heat stroke) I take a spoonful of Chocamore which gives me immediately a "boost".
I , once more, would like to  thank the company Jean Herve that helps me achieve my sporting purposes. Thanks to these products, I invent, try new recipes.  My friends and family are delighted with the menus a bit originals that I suggested and most importantly, they rediscover  taste ... Combining  health and pleasure of eating .. what a joy.